Cosmetic Surgery

Considering cosmetic surgery can be an exciting time, as you prepare to take the first steps to being the new you. It’s important that you feel happy and safe about your decision before going ahead with any surgical procedure. If you are planning on having a cosmetic surgery procedure you are not alone! In fact, according to the figures released by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons over 51,000 people underwent cosmetic procedures last year in the UK.
This post gives you some insights into the key things to consider before deciding to go ahead with surgery & gives you a brief overview of the process leading up to surgery.
Here are some things to think about before taking the plunge….
Having low self-esteem as a result of a physical attribute you're not happy with can affect all areas of your life. There's nothing wrong with thinking you could be happier, as a result of being more confident, if you could put your best face forward. Remember though, surgery is not a cure for deeper issues such as depression or body dysmorphia. Be sure you are working through the root of the problem before going under the knife.
This new-found confidence may strengthen your social skills, which will in turn help you to make new friends and relationships. For example, you may no longer be as shy, which can help you to break the ice more easily in professional settings. Or you may not be as insecure, so you can meet new people without anxiety.
Plastic surgery is not cheap and it is definitely not an area where you want to cut costs — Do your research, book a detailed consultation and gather quotes, ensure that you talk to highly qualified surgeons and ultimately choose one you trust.
Others' reactions
Strangers will never know you underwent plastic surgery but friends and family most likely will — if it's obvious. Some will be supportive, but others may not be. Make sure you're prepared for both and be comfortable with the idea that some people will never truly understand your motives, because even if you talk about it with family and friends, it can be hard for them to accept. Ultimately it is your decision and if you do decide to go ahead ensure you surround yourself with your most supportive family and friends.
Physical risks
There are several risks associated with each procedure, depending on what you want to get done. These include a risk of infection at the incision site, scarring, nerve damage, blood clots and the dangers of being put under General Anaesthetic. Do research on the dangers associated with the surgery you want and decide if it's something you're willing to risk, make sure you feel confident that your surgeon has answered all of your concerns before proceeding.
Realistic expectations
If you have unrealistic visions of what you'll look like after surgery, you may need a reality check. Understanding what can be done given your personal situation is something you need to talk to your surgeon about. They are surgeons, not miracle workers. And remember, all of the problems in your life pre-surgery will still be there afterwards.
Quite often, it's not just as simple as going in just once. You may have to go in for several "maintenance" surgeries every few months or years. You'll have to be aware of this going in so you know if you have the time, patience and money for the upkeep.
- Step 1: Research! The most important step, ensure you do thorough research into the type of surgery you are looking for, the risks, the benefits, the cost & most importantly the surgeon.
- Step 2: Consultation, when you have decided on the right surgeons to see ensure you have all your questions prepared, be ready to listen to what they have to tell you not just what you want to hear and most importantly if you are unhappy get a second opinion so that you are sure you are being given the correct advice.
- Step 3: Booking, once you have found the right surgeon and you have been given the cost of procedure you will then need to look at booking the appointment allowing for enough recovery time and ensuring you have someone to support you post surgery.
- Step 4: Pre op & Procedure, once you have gone from research to consult to booking its time to get prepared for your op this could include a number of pre op appointments at the chosen hospital with the nurse or doctor, fasting prior to a general anaesthetic, ensuring you have appropriate loose clothing for after your op and making sure you have someone to support and help you directly after your operation.
- Step 5: The procedure: You’ve finally made it! On the day of the procedure you will be nervous and anxious but between the nurses & doctors they will put you at ease, explain everything thoroughly and your operation will be carried out in no time.
- Step 6: Recovery, it’s so important to ensure you have the right support at home to aid you in recovery so ask a close relative or friend to help you in those early days, in addition to this preparation is key before you have your op ensure you list all recommendations from the surgeon e.g. loose clothing, bras without underwire, extra pillows, pain killers, follow whatever advice you are given in relation to your specific procedure.
- Step 7: Enjoy! Now is the time to enjoy the result of your surgery and make the most of your new found confidence. Make a list of all the things that you stopped yourself doing pre surgery and start ticking them off! Remember that surgery is a big decision but once you’ve followed these steps you will be have all the tools to make the right choice.